Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Modern Minimalist House Design Into Many People's Choice
0 comments Posted by almirah dahlia at 4:59 AMTuesday, March 30, 2010
Here are two ways we can use. The first is by using the two nuts and using the tea water.
Complete step-polished wooden furniture using walnut:
- Prepare pecan taste and mashed until smooth
- Wrap powder pecan collision with a clean cloth
- Massage-massage package until oil appears pecan / seeps from the pores of the fabric
- Wipe / pecan oil rub on the furniture or wood furniture you are dull
- Prepare flannel and enough tea water
- Dip a washcloth into the water tea
- Wipe / washcloth to rub the wood surface is dull
Labels: furniture care, Furniture care tips
Monday, March 29, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Minimalist Home Design and Garden Into the Current Trends
0 comments Posted by almirah dahlia at 8:58 PMSince a few years ago and minimalist house design minimalist garden into housing trends become a favorite choice of consumers into the house that the new symbol of cosmopolitan society, which is a reflection of the way of life, thought, and urban public works the very practical, lightweight, efficient, and full simplicity.
The house and garden is a community cultural values of nature and life residence. Where home is a place to live, resting, socializing, family, and worship. While the park is a reflection of natural energy, and the source of life. When the house and garden was designed as a harmonious life will give energy to the occupants.
The concept of minimal house and garden aims to increase the value of an entire room for the exterior and interior to reduce the excess of everything in the room. The concept of a minimalist lifestyle shows practical, dynamic, concise, effective, and efficient, which is applied in all aspects of life including house building architecture, interior space and exterior gardens.
Collaboration minimalist house and garden is a combination of communication media between architecture and landscape in the form of contrast, hard-soft, stiff, soft, geometric, dynamic, and between man-made or cultural in nature.
Minimalist house eliminates a lot of saturation with the use of decorative ornaments, knick-knacks accessories. Character and quality of spaces created by the existence of space defined itself, not by the furniture and accessory knick-knacks in it. Space becomes felt relieved as the primary needs of residents, to optimize the circulation of healthy fresh air, and lighting is abundant sunshine.
Typical homes have minimal natural light sources from windows, doors, transparent walls, shade trees, plants and paving composition, will present an appropriate image objects from sunlight reflected off the walls as a natural aesthetic separate elements. While the game system very artistic lights, spotlights good, light plant, to the chandelier with geometric shapes, will liven the evening minimalist home.
Home design minimalist forms are straightforward, plain, simple, uncomplicated, compact, and efficiency-effective space. Blocking mass, materials, lighting, repetition, circulation compact, multifunctional space optimization and sequential. The value does not rely on the beauty of the house ornaments and artificial objects, but more meaningful to an honest form, function, and the inspiration that spaces are created.
Structuring minimalist home and garden requires a harmonious overall look, a combination of hard materials, the physical structure of buildings and exotic plants, exotic colors, as well as supporting elements (such as: lights, pond, benches, sculptures, furniture). Harmony requires minimal materials, shape, color, and texture with the impression conveyed to the warm, intimate, romantic, natural, or futuristic. Games monochromatic colors with themes such as the gradation of one or two primary colors to create unity between the house and the garden.
Structuring minimalist furniture requires an order, where everything is orderly in their respective position. Room in a house filled with furniture that is very efficient and functional course. Selected furniture that is only really needed, not a decorative element, if possible, so the one multifunction net impressed and relieved. Furniture interior and exterior with geometric forms have a goal of maximizing use of space, there is no room left gaps or dead.
Parks play an important role include the beauty and harmony of nature into the building and together with the surrounding natural environment. The presence of water element in the form of geometric and form pools of water calm, waterfalls, or water spray (fog effect) brings stillness and coolness of the space and audience space.
Unity minimalist house and garden they should belong together form the fabric outer space, buildings, and space in a balanced, mutually harmonious way, and not dominate the other. The division of space is very efficient, functional, and clear hierarchy, and reduce the need for space that is not important. Integrating the minimalist house and garden will bring a home environment calm and soothing.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Images of Urban Minimalist House | Minimalist Home Designs
0 comments Posted by almirah dahlia at 9:35 PM
Sample picture of urban minimalist house. Minimalist Home Designs
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Minimalist house design is very attractive to the very practical people today. How to choose furniture and accessories are right for your minimalist home?
Maintaining a practical and functional elements of the basic key in minimalist house dressing.

The selection of appropriate materials can thicken to a minimalist concept presented. Eg glass furniture combined with aluminum or wrought iron furniture including the widely used. In addition to a simple form, any maintenance relatively easy to do.
Curtains were able to support the impression you want to display in the room. With a novel type of blind, for example, which are lightweight and able to give the impression that the dynamic in the room is minimalist.
Minimalist House Design can also be combined with the material or furniture of color - the color of dark brown wood such as red or brown.

Layout every accessory and furniture carefully, but keep your room too full of memorable not because it can confirm the impression that want to create a minimalist. For example setting the image frame using a larger frame, but in small amounts to provide accents in the room.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tropical Minimalist Home Design | The Idea Of Building A House
0 comments Posted by almirah dahlia at 2:18 AM
Here are examples of home designs that are visually simple and very simple form. But when the set composition of the aesthetic form would look attractive with simple characters. Often in home design encountered forms is a simple house or a minimalist. And mostly, it was not a simple form in Balance with good finishing, thus disturbing the visual appearance of our eyes. The above example can be mirrors / example that the simple form (Limasan) we often encounter in this country, when in fact provided a neat finish to soothe our eyes twinkling.
Monday, March 22, 2010
This classic American minimalist house design is the end result of intelligent planning, high performance materials, and passive design techniques. Designed on a $ 100,000 dollar budget by Michigan firm Dominick Tringali Architects, the project is set to be a prototype for the next generation of Habitat for Humanity home. Let's take a closer look at the design sketch or his house plans.

Included in the budget is Energy Star windows, external doors, equipment and supplies, while high efficiency furnace and tankless water heaters will all be helpful to keep utility bills low. High performance materials and clear big help, but the savings really begin to add movement through the house a simple design.
By applying some basic principles of passive design, residents will also enjoy a better quality of life high with living spaces healthier and lower bills. A wrap around porch and roof line was extended first floor shaded living room, while also providing a fantastic paradise-weather months. With a little window on the north-facing facade and canopy above the window to the south, the house protected from unwanted heat loss and gain.
Each bedroom and living room equipped with at least two windows, allowing for natural ventilation and day lighting. Properly siting the house, he would take advantage of existing vegetation that will protect from the harsh heat of summer and winter wind. While sustainable design so many noble reasons, in this case beyond the ethical arguments and included in the category of social justice, because one day a family in need will grow happily in this house.
This classic home is one-of-a-kind mix of sustainability, affordability, and social justice. Reaches back to the era of elegant architecture, the style is a return to traditional design, in which they are a niche market. It's always great to see one goal that seemed impossible affordable, single-family LEED Platinum treated with reverence icons for details American buildings.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Feng Shui Living Room simply mean to decorate a living room in Feng Shui style to allow free flow of healthy and positive life energy or 'chi' and improve the quality of our life in general. Feng Shui aims to help us gain perfect harmony in our surroundings and life. In the living room, dehumidifiers do not find favor with Feng Shui, while any corner and alcoves are believed to obstruct the flow of chi. Thus, you should place your lights in such a way that there are no dark corners in your living room and that they are also made a part of the living room by brightening them up. Placing a beautiful piece of art or a colorful painting there or a potted plant that has round leaves in such spaces can make them look interesting too and help the flow of chi.
Make sure that you never put straight plants with thorns in such places. Wide wall spaces in the living room can be used to accommodate a mirror that makes your living room look spacious but they must reflect a beautiful view such as view from a window or the fireplace. Placing your mirrors incorrectly will only promote negative energy and can actually have opposite results. Cluttered living rooms are not a constructive living room idea according to Feng Shui. Do not try to accommodate too much furniture in the living room. If you really want to decorate your living room in Feng Shui style, your TV or sound system, should not be placed as one of the more important pieces or their electromagnetic waves may disrupt the flow of chi.
Feng Shui also refers to masculine energy called yin and feminine energy called yang and seeks to balance them both. Thus, incorporate feminine elements such as soft cushions on the floor or the sofa and fresh flowers on the center of the table in the living room. However, Feng Shui does not care for dried flowers and actually forbids there use while decorating living rooms. Decorating your living room in Feng Shui style means to promote the feeling of calm and relaxation. It suggests that furniture layout of the living room should be more intimate, circular at its best. Furniture should never be pushed up against the walls and the seating area should be so arranged that guests are comfortable and sit facing the door.
To make sure that we are decorating living rooms, exactly according to the living room, you can use a Ba-gua or the Feng Shui plan that maps eight important areas of our lives, namely, family, career, education, fame, relationships, health, children and travel. You need to determine the direction of the house and then superimpose the Ba-Gua on the house map to find out which area represents what aspect of your life. Even inside the living room, you can place the Ba-gua and decorate it appropriately to ensure that everything goes well with you. A cactus in the wealth corner of your home may mean a thorn in your wealth aspect while a fish bowl or an aquarium, plants with round leaves, crystals or wind chimes there may bring in more money into the house and get you the desired promotion.
You must keep the entrance of your home and living room clear of any clutter। It should have lots of light and open to welcome chi. Never place a mirror, directly opposite the door of the living room, so that chi is not reflected back. Avoid putting up photographs or pictures that are not actually happy or soothing to you as the first thing to see in the living room, as soon as you enter the door. Instead place the photograph of happy times you had or your most beloved person there, so that your mood lightens up as soon as you enter your living room. Be sure to put If your living room has an awkward shape, place mirrors strategically to direct chi all over the living room. While wind chimes can actually sound good and helps you to soothe your nerves, an organized clutter-free living room with good aesthetic sense speaks of a perfect Feng Shui living room.
Labels: Modern Furniture
In the past, living room or the parlor was the place with formal settings to welcome the honored guests. With times, it has evolved into a multifunctional room meant to welcome guests, sit and relax comfortably while reading a good book or watching TV, spend some time with the family, chat and gossip with friends and for entertainment. The most common furniture pieces found in the living room are sofas, love seat, sofa with chairs in different combinations, coffee table, end tables, ottomans, benches, shelves and perhaps a desk and bookshelves. If the living space is also used as a family room, you can also find TV and entertainment center in the room along with accessories, lighting, art and crafts on display and may be carpets.
An extra large living room may accommodate a piano, eating area complete with dining table, tennis or billiard table or even a number of plants, if your living space receives lots of direct sunlight. You may also shift am armoire to make use of the extra space for storage purposes. Living room can use maximum number of furnishings and it is a challenge to fit in all the desirable furnishings and accessories and coordinate them with carpeting, wall color, crown moldings, lighting style and window treatments among many other things. Usually, sofa or the entertainment center is the largest piece of furniture in a living room and since, placement of sofa will decide the view and focal point for the people seated in the living, room, use it as the starting point for living room decor.
Express your personality, your personal taste and decorating flair in the way you decorate your living room. Remodeling or decorating your living room doesn't just mean to throw away items and add furniture pieces to the living room but how you arrange what you already have in the room. Arrangement mistakes can ruin the look of your room. Do not go wild with imagination. Some of the rules and traditional ways of keeping things and proper design must be followed to keep things sane. Creative and unusual living room decorating ideas should be limited by the comfort and usability of the room to make the living room more inviting.
Designing in innovative ways that 'break the rules' can be tricky, so is best left to professionals. Ensure that you maintain visual balance and harmony while displaying your accessories and should not look chaotic. For budget decorating, try to use what you already and then only opt to buy new things that you think are absolutely necessary. See, if rearranging furniture and accessories can achieve the effect you want. For a dream living room, it is not necessary to start from scratch. Make sure that you do not let your precious collection of art lie wasted or ignored just because you didn't think of placing them correctly.
While decorating a living room, one must pay attention to the natural focal point of the room, lifestyle of the family members, functional placement of furniture, creating well-defined traffic patterns, creating close grouping and intimate conversational areas, visual balance, ambient lighting, color scheme of the room and fabric patterns of the curtains, window treatments and the upholstery। You must also watch out for organizing things, display of accessories, camouflaging architectural elements that are ugly, hanging art and wall groupings, proportion and scale of decoration, unifying factor of your decoration and most importantly, when to stop.
Labels: Living Room Interior Design